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Grand Ledge Youth Baseball, Inc

Playing Age Guidelines

Question: How does GLYB determine what level my player is eligible for?

Answer: Baseball playing age is determined by the player's age on April 30

Team Age
Mustang 9 or 10
Bronco 11 or 12
Pony 13 or 14
Colt 15 or 16
Palomino 17, 18 or 19

Baseball "And Under" age classification:

Grand Ledge Youth Baseball has adopted a slightly modified version of PONY Baseball's AND UNDER age classification as a local rule. This rule change will now allow younger players the option to play up one level so that they can play baseball with their classmates if they desire. This is an option only, not a requirement. In order to "play up," a player must be within one (1) year of the age group per PONY age definitions and the player must be grade-level appropriate, as follows:

Division Team Age as of 4/30/24 Grade as of 4/30/24
Mustang 9u 9 3rd grade
10u 10 4th grade
Bronco 11u 11 5th grade
12u 12 6th grade
Pony 13u 13 7th grade
14u 14 8th grade

NOTE: The age level at which a player registers will be his required age level for that entire season.

Contact Us

Grand Ledge Youth Baseball, INC

P.O. BOX 15 
Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837

Email: [email protected]

Grand Ledge Youth Baseball, INC

P.O. BOX 15 
Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837

Email: [email protected]
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